I wrote about the difference between courting and dating in my book because many do not understand how different they really are. Some would agree that dating and courting is the same thing but I beg to differ.

“You are dating and not courting if the woman is not sure she wants to marry you.” ♥SRW

“You are dating and not courting if the man is not sure about marrying you.” ♥SRW
I say it this way because I am placing the weight on where it needs to be: the Friendship Stage. The Friendship Stage is when you can Hear, See and Know if this person is a good choice for a mate.
(STOP) Hear – Discern what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to you regarding this person.
(WAIT) See – Observe their actions. Notice I said actions and not body parts.:) Notice if he/she is spiritually, emotionally and intellectually mature, trustworthy and responsible.
(GO) Know – Do you have a strong sense of knowing that he/she is “the one”.
Always, always apply this HEAR, SEE and KNOW principle and you could save yourself from what I call a “relationship collision”.
The SRW definition is: Two individuals acting like a courting couple before they are really a courting couple. (This might be a hard pill to swallow for some of you.)
Friends, dating is getting to know someone by gathering as much information as possible about them so you may make the right decision to either go your separate ways or take it to the next level which is COURTSHIP.
Do you think that dating and getting to know someone as a friend is the same thing?
If you said no, why?
Now do you see why I dislike the word dating so much? It can be interpreted so many ways. Hence two people could be dating and one thinks they are headed towards marriage while the other thinks your a nice friend to hang out with. The result: misunderstandings, even a broken heart.
This is the way I see it. You are either getting to know each other as friends or you’re Courting.
As long as you don’t cross any relationship boundaries you can be friends for an unlimited amount of time. However, if you make “THE TRANSITION” (a chapter in my book) to Courtship, you should definitely be finished dating, courting, engaged and married by year three. The number three means MANIFESTATION. Don’t let anyone play around with your manifestation time..lol Or you’ll be in a “POTHOLE”. (See the YouTube video below)
Well, I think I’ve said about enough for this blog. Should I have more to say on the topic of dating or courting you know I will.