New Year and Still Single?

Happy New Year! You made it through Christmas, New Years Eve and now into a brand new year. Though it may not have been easy, especially seeing all those social media posts about being newly engaged, in a new relationship, or baby news, you managed to stay afloat and not allow it to keep you depressed or in a state of self-pity.

As of late, I have been thinking a lot about perspective. Mainly having the right perspective when things aren't going exactly the way I'd like them to. For instance, the health care system here in Toronto, Canada. As long as you aren't dying, one has to wait months before seeing that much needed specialist. This can be very nerve wracking.

Recently, a friend shared her frustration with our health care system and how she was so thankful to have dual citizenship. Within days of her landing in Florida she was not only able to get the medical attention she needed, she also got a very important exploratory surgery done. I was so happy for her.

While some have this priviledge others have no choice but to wait.
Which makes the importance of having a healthy perspective on waiting itself; a priority. To do so, we may have to literally sit down and force ourself to find the positives in a situation.  I did just that when writing this blog.

Hopefully what I share here can also be applied to your life as you wait for a mate. 

Comparison Can Be A Theif of Joy
Focusing on what someone else has could steal the joy out of your own life especially if we fail to see the positives in our own. So being mindful and thankful of what we have or have access to is KEY. 

God Is In Control
I don't know about you but when I speak these words aloud it literally brings a calm over me knowing that there is someone BIGGER who loves and wants the best for me. I don't need to worry or sweat. He see's me and everything is going to work out for my good.

Delay Is Not Denial
Sometimes a delay is a blessing that we can't see; just YET.
But in time we will and be so thankful we had to wait.

Time to Get Better
While waiting we can get better.  
Work out, eat healthier, heal from emotional pain, pray and grow closer to God. Then when the right time comes there is less work to be done.

Grow In Patience

Sometimes we may have always gotten what we wanted without much wait. So being placed in a situation where we have to wait longer then we're used to can definetly cause some growing pains. But after patience has its perfect work, we will be complete lacking nothing. (James 1:4)

How have you been waiting? Do you have a healthy perspective?
I'd love to hear from you.  

Tanika Chambers, Founder & Author of Single, Ready & Waiting Your Guide to Courtship. "God Has a Master Plan With Your Name On It!"

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