Hello readers, I am so glad that you’ve taken the time to read this extra special blog.
You are about to meet 10 fabulous ladies and gents who aren’t afraid of letting others know they are worth waiting for.
As a single, I didn’t always feel that I was valuable and worth the wait but once I received these words into my spirit and meditated upon them; everything about me changed. I knew it, others knew it and men who I came in contact with knew it too.
The words written on the shirts: “Single, Ready & Worth the Wait” are simply one’s that I want every single woman and man to receive into their own spirit.
Who are these shirts for you may ask?
Anyone that believes they are worth waiting for and men and women who have a Holy “SWAG”..
S – Single men and women who know who they are.
W – Willing to allow God to perfect them into the man or woman God has called them to be.
A – Agree’s with what God say’s about them and not the opinion of man.
G- God’s child.
If you know you’ve got this kind of “SWAGGER” be sure to pre-order your shirt today!
Now it’s time to meet the fabulous Swagerettes..:)
Photo’s Taken by: Tanika A. Chambers
Meet The Lovely Angela
Angela’s S.W.A.G shot
SRW: What does the words “Worth the Wait” mean to you?
Angela: God’s promises over my life will be fulfilled and I cannot afford to be hasty so I choose to cling to His words and take heed to His voice. A waiter serves, and waiting on God’s very best is worth it while I serve Him. As a Daughter of Zion and destiny, I deserve God’s best choice for me because I am worth it. I will continue to “wait on the Lord and be of good courage”‘ the best is yet to come, but he is very close.
The Lovely Andria
Andria’s S.W.A.G Shot
SRW: What does the words “Worth the Wait” mean to you?
Andria: A diamond’s worth is determined partly by its cut and clarity. I see myself like a diamond. Exposed to extreme heat and pressure only to be tightly bonded together with one. A custom design takes time, but the fit is always right.
* Being custom designed by God and I AM WORTH THE WAIT!!!
The Lovely Lisa
Lisa’s S.W.A.G Shot
SRW: “What does the words “Worth the Wait” mean to you?
Lisa: True Masterpieces are not created overnight and the work we allow God to do in our lives can sometimes take longer than we might think it should. Ultimately when we wait on Him the results of His handiwork produce results that only God is truly capable of and like stones that when pressure is applied a diamond is produced, so are we like jewels shining in Gods glorious light when we allow His hand to work in our lives. We are soo worth that wait!
The Lovely Samantha
Samantha’s S.W.A.G Shot
SRW: “What does the words “Worth the Wait” mean to you?
Samantha: God’s timing is perfect and He has a plan! It is coming to pass and seeing the fullness of His plan is more than “Worth the Wait!” He makes everything beautiful just in time! In the waiting, I choose to trust him wholeheartedly!
The Lovely Natasha
SRW: “What does the words “Worth the Wait” mean to you?
For me, “worth the wait” means it’s worth waiting on God for whatever he has in store for me. I am not interested in anything that is outside the will of God. No matter how long it takes for his word to be fulfilled in my life -it’s worth the wait! There are countless examples in the bible, including the story of Sarah and Abraham who became impatient while waiting on the promise. We are still seeing the effects of their decision today. The bible states, God is not slack concerning his promise. There is no way I can miss my moment.
The lovely Michelle
SRW: “What does the words “Worth the Wait” mean to you?
Michelle: Someone who is groomed by God is worth the wait.
One should see themselves as a person worth waiting for and precious to God
Michelle’s S.W.A.G Shot
Special thanks to :
The Worth the Wait ladies: Andria, Angela, Michelle, Natasha, Lisa and Samantha for making this shoot possible!! Thank you so much!.
Kerry Chambers – Archer – Makeup Artist for the Shoot
Robert Chambers – The Any Key Music Studio
Fa’Real Clothing – For Printing Our T-Shirts