Hello readers, I am so glad that you’ve taken the time to read this extra special blog.
You are about to meet four men who aren’t afraid of letting others know they are worth waiting for.
As a single, I didn’t always feel that I was valuable and worth the wait but once I received these words into my spirit and meditated upon them; everything about me changed. I knew it, others knew it and men who I came in contact with knew it too.
The words written on the shirts: “Single, Ready & Worth the Wait” are simply one’s that I want every single woman and man to receive into their own spirit.
Who are these shirts for you may ask?
Anyone that believes they are worth waiting for and men and women who have a Holy “SWAG”..
S – Single men and women who know who they are.
W – Willing to allow God to perfect them into the man or woman God has called them to be.
A – Agree’s with what God say’s about them and not the opinion of man.
G- God’s child.
If you know you’ve got this kind of “SWAGGER” be sure to pre-order your shirt today!
Giancarlo’s S.W.A.G Shot with the lovely Michelle
SRW: What does the words “worth the wait” mean to you?
Giancarlo: “Worth the wait” is waiting on God and trusting that He knows best and will give us the wisdom, peace and strength to wait for and continue with the right person.
Sam’s S.W.A.G Shot with the lovely Lisa
SRW: What does the words “worth the wait” mean to you?
Sam: “I see my present status as meaningful and strategic- motivated by a purpose, and I value my present status as part of God’s plan for my life
Chris’ S.W.A.G Shot with the lovely Natasha
SRW: What does the words “worth the wait” mean to you?
Chris: To me, “worth the wait” means that we are more concerned about pleasing God and honouring Him than pleasing ourselves by compromising our integrity and settling for less than God’s best for us.
SRW: What does the words “worth the wait” mean to you?
Rishi: To me “Single, Ready and Worth the Wait” means I love myself, I know myself, I understand myself, therefore I have standards for myself. It’s a privilege and honour to wait, it will honour and respect God and thereby honour my own temple.
Rishi’s S.W.A.G Shot with the lovely Samantha
Special thanks to :
The Courageous Men: Giancarlo, Chris, Rishi and Sam for making this shoot possible!! Thank you so much!.
Kerry Chambers – Archer – Makeup
Robert Chambers – The Any Key Music Studio
Fa’Real Clothing – For Printing Our T-Shirts