“How We Met” Interviews – Inside My Chambers

SRW: For many young women marrying a minister is a dream come true. As a single, how did you manage to maintain your integrity? Minister Bullens Managing/Maintaining my integrity came out of my love for God. I understood that as a single person, He is my first priority and it was/is/and will always be my… Continue reading “How We Met” Interviews – Inside My Chambers

“How We Met” Interviews – Inside My Chambers

It’s time for another SRW “How We Met” story and the woman you’re about to meet is no stranger to me. We attended the same University and have stayed in touch ever since. May this interview be a blessing to you and feel free to leave a comment below.  (This will encourage me to share more… Continue reading “How We Met” Interviews – Inside My Chambers

It Can Take A Friend or It Can Take The Church

SRW are you ready to hear the perfect example of what could happen when you let  Mr. or Miss Wrong go? Keep reading. Welcome to In My Chambers, Tanya Chambers. (my sister-in-law) You’ve got a pretty neat story to share , so let’s get right to it. SRW: Sept 7th 2013, was  a special day.… Continue reading It Can Take A Friend or It Can Take The Church