Break - ups...gosh golly who likes them right.
You've invested so much time and energy with someone who you thought would be "the one." However, now you have to move on without him/her.
As hard as a break-up can be, it has the ability to motivate you into doing something you were probably thinking about doing; but for some reason it wasn't a priority.
- Self-love
- Pursuing your purpose
- Travelling
- Getting what I call "Whole without Holes" - Start here with Single, Ready & Waiting
- Creating a Mate List
- Hit the gym or start a new diet..
Now, I'm not saying you were waiting for a break-up to happen but, it just happened to be what caused you to WAKE UP. Cause girl, you were in deep SLEEP. Asleep on those things that make you feel ALIVE.
So here's what I want you to do....grab a pen and write down all of the things that make you feel/come alive? Write down your passions, and what you would do even if you didn't get paid for it?
SRW, I'm really cheering you on over here!
So, let me repeat....YOU DON"T NEED TO EXPERIENCE PAIN TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE WORTH IT! Life is happening NOW be sure to live it doing what makes you feel alive.
I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. John 10:10
In Christ, Tanika