When it comes to relationships Fantasia has had her fair share of up and downs. In her song "I'm Doin Me," she comes to a place where she finally realizes her true worth after being with a man who treated her far less than what she felt she deserved. Can you relate? Have you ever said those exact same words "I'm Doin Me?" Truth is, sometimes people enter relationships not already knowing what their true worth is so they end up putting up with less than God's best for them. Ladies and gents you can't force someone to love you, respect you or stay with you, so "Free Yourself" (another song by Fantasia) and don't waste any more of your precious time and energy trying.
As a "Whole Without Holes TM Certified Christian Counsellor" I cannot stress the importance of becoming as "Truly Single: Whole Without Holes" as you can be prior to getting into a relationship. Not only will this help you to choose a better suitor, your confidence of knowing who you are and whose you are will shine through; a quality that most men admire and respect in a woman.
If you have lost your confidence along the way due to a poor relationship choice it's not too late to start re-building your self-esteem and confidence again. God is a restorer and He wants to restore you.
Below are a few helpful suggestions on how you can start the process of re-building your confidence.
1. Read your Bible. Choose a time and a place where you can get quiet with God and His Word. It so important that you don't forget who you are in Christ and what God says about you.
2. Don't hold yourself hostage, forgive yourself and learn how to not repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
3. Read self-help books. I recommend the Single Ready & Waiting book. In it, you will see that I too was once at this place.
4. Attend events at your church or city that focuses on wholeness and healing.
5. Be around people who love, celebrate and appreciate you.
6. Do the things that you love. I.e writing, exercising, cooking, art's and craft, volunteering, reading, travelling
7. Focus on the positive and eliminate the negative. Don't belittle yourself. Make a list of your qualities, characteristics and what you do well. This will help you to also recognize your worth and value.
8. Additional recommended reading: Why Are Christian Girls So Easy
Well, that's all for now friends. Until next time remember "God Has A Master Plan With Your Name On It!" This means..the best is yet to come!

you have saved the day again! Thanks for these helpful tips
Your welcome!!
Tanika , you have done it again. Speaking truth and revelation on knowing who we are in Christ.
I think “Doin Me” is a good concept for those of us who are venturing out on loving ourselves and not looking for someone else to validate our worth as a person. I believe that rebuilding our selves outward and inward is very important. Thanks for the steps you have given us to help us to rebuild our self worth in Jesus Christ.
Hi Dorcas could you imagine ..I am only seeing this message now. Thanks for sharing. I plan on writing more blogs to edify and encourage singles. Happy you were blessed by this one.