IMC: You and I both have something in common. Our Jamaican heritage. Tell me, where in Jamaica are you from and how is Jamaica doing right about now?
Jodi: Yes we do! I am from Linstead, St. Catherine. I visited a few months ago after a long 4 year hiatus and it was a fairly good trip (fairly because I went for my dear grandmother’s funeral). Most of the facilities have definitely improved, the natural beauty of the island is still evident, however the high crime rate is a cause for concern.
IMC: Are there plenty of fish in Jamaica and I am not talking about fry
Jodi: LOL well I can say this; I was approached by men a lot more when I lived there, the same can be said for when I visit! I am guessing it is because most Jamaican men are bolder and more straightforward then men from other nationalities.
IMC: When you hear the words embracing singleness, can you name three things that come to mind.
Jodi: The three P’s: Prayer, Preparation and Patience; One of my favorite verses is Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt. 6:33). With anything in life we must first seek God, invite Him into the situation. In order to know God’s will for your life as it relates to a spouse just as with anything else we must pray about it. We must also exercise patience while waiting for God to answer that prayer (and if that is a challenge I suggest going back to the 1st Godly wife/husband that God will call us to be. I believe that preparation can range from men learning how to be a leader and Priest of the home, a provider, a protector and women learning the qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman. Learn from other couples who are setting a good example of kingdom marriage etc. Additionally preparation while single can include things such as knowing how to handle your finances, being unselfish and forgiving and yes keeping up appearances (take care of that body, get your hair groomed, pay attention to your body language and understand you should keep it up for the rest of your life and not just the preparation stage ;-)).
IMC: One of the best ways to maximize one’s singleness is to utilize your gifts and talents. Which is something you are currently doing. How did you come up with Kreationsbykay?
Jodi: Thank You. I have always been more on the creative side. I love sewing and doing crafts. One day, as I was doing some shopping for my bedroom in a craft store I picked out stems of Hydrangeas and noticed how the ones I gathered in one hand was starting to look like a bridal bouquet. I ran with the idea, went home and ended up making a sample bouquet instead of my original arrangement. I thought that would be something I would want for my special day as it was beautiful and I would be able to keep it for years to come (hence my slogan ‘Our Flowers are for Keeps’). I prayed about my idea and did a trial marketing campaign and it worked, it was then that I did a business plan and registered my business with the state of Florida.
IMC: Wow that’s amazing! What motivated you the most to start such a unique business?
Jodi: Just my love for creating things with my hands and being able to bless other who might not have that gift or the time to do their own floral decorating.
IMC: How has it been going for you?
Jodi: It has been going well thank God, people love my products because of the quality of not only my work but just how realistic the flowers look and feel. One would think working with permanent botanicals that there is no opportunities for repeat business, however I have churches that order from me every year in honor of special occasions such as Mother’s Day, Pastor Appreciation etc. Prom season is also very busy as the students like the idea of being able to keep their corsages.

IMC: So that would be your main clientele?
Jodi: Yes, my clientele includes homeowners, churches and the largest being High school seniors who order keepsake corsages for Prom and Homecoming.
IMC: Have you already made your own corsage and tucked it away somewhere for your wedding day?
Jodi: Ha, actually I have not I guess because I have changed my wedding colors so many times over the years lol however, I most definitely plan on making my own arrangements for my wedding!
IMC: Can’t wait and this is definitely a great way to cut costs on your Day, and will put an even bigger smile on your Mr. Rights face:-)
IMC: Tell us Jodi how can others get in touch with you for their special day?
Jodi: I can be reached at (754) 800- 1KAY
Follow: Instagram @kreationsbykay
IMC: Fantastic!! Well it has been a pleasure interviewing you Jodi. May the remainder of this year be filled with gifts and surprise with your name on it! All the best!
This has been another Inside My Chambers Interview.© Make use of your gifts!