To help in guiding you to Courtship I’ve provided you with a few prayer points to get you started in the right direction.
For You
1. Search me o God and know my heart I pray. (Psalm 139:23)
Your desire to be with the right person should not be greater than your desire to be right with God.
Ask God to reveal anything that could be in the way of you having an intimate relationship with Him.
Your desire to be with the right person should not be greater than your desire to be right with God.
Ask God to reveal anything that could be in the way of you having an intimate relationship with Him.
2. Lord, teach me how to love you with my whole heart. (Matthew 22:37)
When you decide to serve God with your whole heart your commitment to please Him remains unchanged even after meeting someone. Ask God to show you where you can be more committed to Him.
3. Lord, let me not get weary in well doing as I wait. (Galatians 6:9)
God knows that waiting is not easy; ask Him to let the spirit of patience reign in your life until the right person comes.
God knows that waiting is not easy; ask Him to let the spirit of patience reign in your life until the right person comes.
4. And Lord, while I wait please reveal any holes in my soul that need my attention and care. (Psalm 51:6)
Holes can prevent you from meeting and even keeping the right relationship so deal with them as soon as you can. And should you need help ask God to lead you to a Christian Counsellor who can help you to deal with these holes the right way.
Holes can prevent you from meeting and even keeping the right relationship so deal with them as soon as you can. And should you need help ask God to lead you to a Christian Counsellor who can help you to deal with these holes the right way.
For Your Future Relationship
1. Lord, prepare me as you are preparing my mate
God is indeed working on you as He is working on the person to whom will be a perfect match.
Pray that you both stay on the Potters wheel as He develops you into the man and woman you are to be.2.
2. Lord, let my spouse be a person who loves You wholeheartedly in the name of Jesus.
Pray that He loves God with His whole heart as well.
God is indeed working on you as He is working on the person to whom will be a perfect match.
Pray that you both stay on the Potters wheel as He develops you into the man and woman you are to be.2.
2. Lord, let my spouse be a person who loves You wholeheartedly in the name of Jesus.
Pray that He loves God with His whole heart as well.
3. Father, let all satanic barriers keeping us from meeting be dissolved in Jesus’ name.
As you get closer to your blessing the enemy will try to put barriers in your way but through consistent prayer you can destroy these barriers in the name of Jesus.
As you get closer to your blessing the enemy will try to put barriers in your way but through consistent prayer you can destroy these barriers in the name of Jesus.
4. I reject the provision of counterfeit spouse by the enemy in the name of Jesus.
God is not the only one who is aware of your desires. Pray that you both will be discerning and recognize the counterfeit spouse the enemy may be trying to bring into your lives.
God is not the only one who is aware of your desires. Pray that you both will be discerning and recognize the counterfeit spouse the enemy may be trying to bring into your lives.
5. Thank God for answering your prayers
I hope these few prayer points will help you in your future relationship success.
Tanika Chambers
Speaker/“Whole Without Holes“Counsellor and
Author of the book Single, Ready & Waiting: Your Guide to Courtship.
Author of the book Single, Ready & Waiting: Your Guide to Courtship.