As usual I get tons of e-mails about a number of events happening in and outside of Toronto, Canada and last week I saw that Bishop Walker was the main speaker for a singles’ conference in Atlanta, GA. Having watched Bishop Walker many times on Streaming Faith I knew that he would share a sound message. So as excited as I was I couldn’t keep it to myself. After posting the flyer on the SRW facebook community fan page ( ) encouraging Atlanta singles’ residence to go. Kristi an Atlanta resident said she planned on attending this same conference. So to make a long story short Kristi accepted my request to take notes and share with us.
So without further due, let’s take a look at Kristi’s notes on this years “Image Singles’ Conference.” The information will bless you!

Bishop Joseph Walker III of Mt. Zion B.C. in Nashville Tennessee did some ‘real talk’ with the singles Thursday night, October 4th at Elizabeth Baptist Church’s Singles’ Conference in Atlanta, GA . As one who was married, widowed, and now remarried, he touched briefly on his experiences as a single person and how he could relate to what we’re dealing with.
In his message, he listed 10 qualities that Christian singles desire from the opposite sex when seeking a spouse.
10 things Christian Men want in a Woman
1. Anchored– A woman who’s grounded spiritually and normal. In other words, he’s attracted to one that loves God and knows how to be herself and have fun. She’s not acting ‘spiritual’ all the time.
2. Attitude- Men are drawn to women with a pleasant demeanor, not someone who’s negative all the time, or with a ‘jacked up’ attitude (Prov. 27:15, 21:19). (Think I heard an ‘Amen’ from some of the guys!)
3. Authentic– A woman who can be herself, not trying to be someone she’s not or what she thinks she should be for him. Let him see and fall in love with the real you!
4. Adaptability-A woman whose flexible, not afraid to let her hair down every now and then, can adjust to just about any situation.
5. Academic-She’s a woman who’s intelligent and can provide stimulating conversation.
6. Ambition– She has goals and is motivated to enhance herself so she can bring something to her relationship with him.
7. Assistance– She’s not just a pretty face. She will be a ‘help meet’ for him (Genesis 2:18), one who’s suitable to assist him to achieve God’s purpose for them as man and wife.
8. Affirmation– She will motivate and encourage her husband, and lift him up. Men deal with a lot of negativity and get knocked down from outside world. It doesn’t make it better for him to get more of that from his wife.
9. Appearance-It’s been said that men are drawn to what they see. Men like women who take care of themselves, so getting that manicure, pedicure and keeping the hair “did” is a plus!
10. Affection-She’s afraid not to give her husband ‘good lovin’ (Hebrews 13:4, 1 Cor. 7:4)! There’s a reason God reserved the ‘physical intimacy’ for marriage—because it’s so beautiful and amazing when shared with someone who loves and is committed to you alone!
10 things Christian Women Want in a Man
1. Christian– He’s a man who has a relationship with God and desires to be the man God called him to be. He’s not just someone who goes to church. As I heard one evangelist say, anyone can put on an act for 2 hours of church service. Hmmm!
2. Communication-He makes an effort to get to know her on a personal level, what she’s all about. Bishop Walker said it goes beyond saying “What’s up?” or (from personal experience) random texting.
3. Capacity-This man has goals and dreams, and desires to make himself better. Women consider this when choosing a husband that’s able to lead their family and be a good father to their future children.
4. Career –This man has a J-O-B and at least wants to work to provide for his family. Adam had a job before God presented Eve (Genesis 2:15)!
5. Credit-Who wants a man (or woman) with jacked up credit? There are legitimate circumstances that may explain poor credit (i.e. job loss,) but I think the need for descent credit is clearly understood among both parties!
6. Credible-He’s honest, whose word is his bond. Its says to the woman that he is who he says he is, and he’s someone she can trust. No games!
7. Clothing-This man may doesn’t have to be on the cover of GQ magazine, but he takes care of himself physically. He’s well –groomed in a suit or just a shirt and jeans, and practices personal hygiene!
8. Chivalrous-He knows how to treat a lady like a lady—with respect.
9. Compassionate-He’s sensitive to her emotionally and considerate of her feelings.
10. Charisma-This man is confident (not cocky) in who he is and not afraid to show it. Like our President Obama, he’s got that swag!
Bishop Walker ended by saying that we as singles have value in the eyes of God. Because we have value in Him, we don’t have to lose ourselves or do things to make someone connect with us. We must come to a place where we live for God’s glory, He’ll bless us in due season!
Kristi Goines is an aspiring blogger and writer whose passion is writing to inform, encourage and empower people to live victorious Christian lives. Her background is in journalism, and is an entrepreneur who resides in Atlanta, Georgia.