Waiting Was Easier With This One Thing

This August will make 9 years that I've been married and I am really grateful to God for blessing me with a Godly husband. But, it didn't happen until I learned how to wait comfortably.

Have you ever sat in an uncomfortable chair before? ...
Either one leg was shorter than the rest causing you to keep rocking from side to side?
....or what about that one leg that was looser than all of the rest making you feel unsecured?

So it can be when waiting for a mate.

You want to enjoy life to the fullest...you want to NOT worry about this area of your life

but for some reason, you're not feeling as secure as you would like.  
You simply don't feel comfortable as you can be. 

I get it totally!

This is why I'm sharing this one thing that helped me sit comfortably in my waiting chair.

This one thing was a Word from the Lord.

I sought God earnestly about a husband...I wanted to know that I was going to get married...eventually...(know the feeling.) Well, I received a word. Although not exactly what I wanted to hear....I was hoping for a "By this time next year you will be married" or.."Yes, Tanika you're going to get married." But, it was an answer nonetheless.

What I kept hearing over and over again was WAIT.  Have you gotten that Word?

Somehow, hearing it from God made a difference for me. It gave me the security I needed and made my waiting a little easier to bear. 

You see prior to hearing from God, my faith and trust in His ability to provide for me in this area of my life was rocky just like that uncomfortable chair I described.  

God wanted me to wait with confidence knowing that He had a master plan with my name on it!

Once I got His Word settled in my spirit ....my chair stopped rocking back and forth and that loose leg felt more secure.  You see, my focus changed to how could I prepare for my future husband, instead of building up anxiety about whether it was going to happen or not.

Could a Word from the Lord be that one thing you need to make your waiting a little easier to bare?

I pray that God will speak to you..like He did me. 
And, if He has already spoken to you...well, I pray that Word is helping you to sit comfortably in your WAITING CHAIR without worry, without doubt and without fear of the future. Just like the Proverbs 31 woman.

Ladies, I see you..I hear you...I was you! In the process of time, God made me ready as He is also making you ready to meet your king.

Stay encouraged your time is coming!!!

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