How You Wait Can Make A Difference

Are you waiting with FAITH or just waiting?

I ask because where there is much worry, doubt and fear there isn't much room for FAITH.

I know this too well because I used to be a worry wart and all it got me was more worried about what I was
worrying about...LOL.  
Truth is, it's really hard to worry and have faith at the same time.

How did I eventually stop worrying so much?  Well, I found the answer in Luke 12:25.

There it asked a very good question, "Can all your worry add a single day to your life"?
This question changed my life and more specifically it changed the way I waited for a mate.
On the
SRW Instagram page, I shared the following quote:

I came to this revelation when I chose to live my life as if God had already answered my prayer for a mate. 

(Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1) 

Instead of worrying excessively about it I.L.V.E'd.  As a result of doing that it was as if the TIME it took to meet my husband had accelerated!

Do you want to accelerate time?

Below I've provided you with the breakdown of the I. L.V.E acronym found in the Single Ready & Waiting book.

It helped to take my mind off of FINDING and MINDING my own life knowing that there wasn't any good thing that He would withhold from me as I walked uprightly before Him. Psalm 84:11

I hope it will be a blessing as you apply it to your own life. 

It's acceleration time!

A Prayer For You

Father God, I pray for every single person reading this may you replace their worry with peace and their doubt with confidence. Let them see the beauty of simply enjoying life as it comes moment by moment day by day, year by year knowing that you've already taken care of tomorrow. And as they apply I.L.V.E may they also experience your divine acceleration as they wait in faith for a mate.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen 

Tanika Chambers Ministries
Founder of Single Ready & Waiting

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