Maybe It’s Time to Stop Asking God For a Mate

Maybe it's time to stop asking God for a mate and start seeking or knocking instead. Huh????

This is what came to mind after meditating upon Matthew 7:7 and thinking about what to write for my next blog.

Could we have unanswered prayers because instead of seeking or knocking we are asking?

When I think back to when I just got saved I remember getting my prayers answered quickly and without much effort on my part. Then when I became more mature in the faith it seemed like God changed. But, I learned way back in Sunday School that God changes not. (Malachi 3:6) I figured, there must be a good reason why He wasn't answering my prayers as quick as He did before.

Without fully understanding Matthew 7:7 I up'd my game plan. (I was single and waiting at the time). I remember fasting and praying for days and sometimes weeks (be careful with to do long fasts when you can medically do so and of course when the Holy Spirit leads you to.) What I didn't realize then was my prayers went from asking to SEEKING....then the answer I was looking for regarding my life's purpose was revealed.

Now, fast forward to a few days ago,  Holy Spirit confirmed to me after an intense time of prayer that what I had just done was KNOCKING.  So, just as you would take a hammer to a nail hitting until it BROKE THROUGH... praying intensely over a situation is KNOCKING prayers!

Do you see where I am going with this?

Maybe it's time to start seeking and knocking like you have never 
done before. Arrange a shut-in with just you and Jesus.

Who knows, maybe it's WHO YOU WILL BECOME in the process of your seeking or knocking that God is truly after? Then the answer will come!

Friends, God answers prayer and He wants to answer yours.

My Prayer For You...

Father, in the Name of Jesus I pray that as your children
seek you with all of their heart they will find you and the answers they've been waiting for.  
And Lord,  may they BREAK THROUGH in more ways than one. Provide mates, provide jobs, provide strategies to stubborn problems and Lord above all make them into the person you need them to be to handle these blessings.. In Jesus Name...Amen!!!

**There will be a follow-up blog to this to touch on SEEKING and KNOCKING prayers more fully. Subscribe to our mailing list on our home page so that you won't miss a thing!******

Elder Tanika Chambers
Founder of Single Ready & Waiting

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