Have you ever really thought about what a man wants? A marriage minded man that is?
Thinking back to when I was getting to know my husband we both realized what we were looking for wasn't much different at all.
- Mutual respect
- Open and honest communication = TRUST
- Understanding
- Patience......to name a few
But then as our friendship developed into a Courtship, this is when I learned more specifically how he wanted me to show these attributes and vice versa.
For instance, him being an entrepreneur I needed to be more understanding when it came to his work schedule. Like... when things got busier for him, I had to make sure that I wasn't MISINTERPRETING his busyness
for not wanting to spend time with me...And when I needed him to be more patient, he learned how to trust God more so that he wouldn't feel insecure.
Relationships are indeed WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK.. And the more you know how to work it the more successful it will be.
So in summary, there isn't much difference in what most marriage minded men and women want. However, the difference is learning how best to show it based upon ones unique needs.
If you want to take this further consider asking the male friends in your life what character traits, attributes or values they look for in a life mate. Who knows, you may find that they have some similarities to yours.